
how to erase crayon

From Noah's journal (minimally edited)--

This is how to erase crayon-- you have to scrible on the crayon (with a pencil)

And then take a eraser and erase the pencil then the crayon is gone!


life's plot device

Here's an entry from wikipedia about Plot Device--


There are so many. I am trying to see which one happens in real life (mine, that is).

Chekhov's gun

This one probably happened quite often. The object may not be material, but some skill or life experience that, although seemed redundant, was needed later.


Quite many cliffhangers this year. Too many, perhaps.

Urrrr... No. Not yet, at least.

Deus ex machina
There're always some new characters or turns of events that make real life more interesting and entangle the plot. In this case, real life is more exciting than fiction.

Me? No waaay! Really. I always have my headphones at max volume.

Is it valid to view life as a story? Who is the author?

fun with microscope

We used the ProScope to take pictures of interesting things around the house. The kids had fun.

Lady liberty from a stamp.

A caterpillar from our Chinese cabbage.

An autumn leaf.

Lincoln from a penny.

Noah's sclera.


By whose authority...

Is this statement true or false?

"Authority of Scripture" is a shorthand for "God's Authority Exercised through Scripture"

This quote is from a book I am currently reading.


halloween traffic

This time next year, someone please remind me to go home early on halloween. A trip from my Santa Clara office to Milpitas usually takes 20-30min. Yesterday it took me more than an hour.

We had a good time at Mount Olive Lutheran Church near by our house. Apparently, they hold 'Harvest Festival' on halloween night annually. Lots of fun games and free candies and toys for the kids. They also sold snacks, hotdogs, nachos, and churros for 50 cents. I love churros and bought 2.