
Decaf Lent

I love tea and coffee. At work, we have free Starbuck French Roast-- my favorite. I often have two cups of Joe a day. Yumi loves tea. We always drink English tea at home, with a cloud of milk.

I am going to do a decaf Lent. No tea or coffee till Easter.

Matt:17-18 But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Well, since I post this in my blog, I may not get much reward now. But I will still wash my face in the afternoon when my caffeine withdrawal kicks in the most.


Lake Tahoe

We took a short vacation in Lake Tahoe area. We stayed at a cabin on Lake Donner. During the day, we joined the Wong family at Squaw Valley for winter time fun.

We went skiing the first day. It was the first time I, Noah, and Naomi tried skiing. The kids enjoyed themselves in their kids class. I, on the other hand, had a hard time at the slope. I found it hard to stop, which was not a good thing.

While we were there, we bumped into hundreds of Google engineers. Google is famous for being 'the best place to work'. Well, the perk this time for all their employees was a free day at Squaw Valley. Google put their engineers in buses, and perhaps a nearby hotel. They were then free to ski, skate, snowboard, etc. Many of them wore multicolor scarves. It was fun to be among this bunch of people whose work we have come to rely on so much.

The second day we went sledding. The kids enjoyed climbing, sledding, and having snow party. In the evening, we headed up to High Camp again on the cable car. We then did ice skating on a very special rink. It was special because it was so high up. Too bad it was already dark.

Noah skated okay for a beginner, but didn't find it to be interesting. Naomi took a mini lesson from Jonathan and loved skating. She and Zoe lingered on with me and Jonathan at the rink. We are quite amazed by her progress.

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