
July 2007 Foreclosures

From a Yahoo! News article

"California, Florida, and Ohio were among the states with the highest number of foreclosure filings in July, the firm (RealtyTrac) said."

I have lived in all those three states in the past 5 years!


Machine Gun Family Day?

Here's a news report about a fundraiser event using machine guns and other weapons of war--

The Manchester Republican Committee is inviting party members and their families to a "Machine Gun Shoot" where, for $25, supporters can spend a day trying out automatic weapons, said organizer Jerry Thibodeau.

"It's a fun day. It's a family day," said Thibodeau of the August 5 event. "It's quite exciting."

I had a strong physiological reaction when I read this story, something that resemble an urge to vomit. This is a mockery of real people who die everyday as a result of war.



Divorce is like death. It's not mere broken covenant. It is a death of 'Us'.

As is with death of any person, the death of 'Us' will bring pain, even if 'Us' is not a particularly great person.

But what if this 'Us' is actually a great person, but only marred by 'Me' and 'You'?

What if 'Me' is so self absorbed and neglect 'Us'?

What if 'You' is too different or too strange that 'Us' is denied existence?

Without 'Me' or 'You', there is no 'Us'.

But if 'Me' and 'You' are the only that remain, then the death of 'Us' is really murder.

I pray for the death of divorce.


Babel movie makes Japanese viewers sick

I watched "Babel" last week. In Japan, the latest news is that some Japanese viewers got sick from watching this movie. The culprit seems to be the nightclub scene where there is much flashing light. I can imagine getting sick if the scene is shown on big screen. On my 24 inch TV though, it's harmless.

I do not particularly recommend the movie. It's has an ending that makes you think-- "That's it?". My friend who rented the movie apologized for showing it to us. To me, the mildly interesting part is how it (lightly) explores the brokenness of relationships and love in vastly different cultures and situations. I wish there is less unnecessary nudity and sexuality so that I can enjoy the movie without my wife covering my eyes (and squishing my nose) and skipping scenes.