
fun with microscope

We used the ProScope to take pictures of interesting things around the house. The kids had fun.

Lady liberty from a stamp.

A caterpillar from our Chinese cabbage.

An autumn leaf.

Lincoln from a penny.

Noah's sclera.


Sampan said...

I never knew Lincoln was on the penny. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with the microscope.

spider-house said...

One sad news relating to this post, our pet caterpillar had escaped tonight. Boo hoooo.....

spider-house said...

Happy turn of event-- our lost pet caterpillar was found this morning. After recapture, it seems to want to escape again from our cabbage-filled box. So anecdotal evidence seems to say that caterpillars prefer freedom to food.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are really cool, Joe!