
life's plot device

Here's an entry from wikipedia about Plot Device--


There are so many. I am trying to see which one happens in real life (mine, that is).

Chekhov's gun

This one probably happened quite often. The object may not be material, but some skill or life experience that, although seemed redundant, was needed later.


Quite many cliffhangers this year. Too many, perhaps.

Urrrr... No. Not yet, at least.

Deus ex machina
There're always some new characters or turns of events that make real life more interesting and entangle the plot. In this case, real life is more exciting than fiction.

Me? No waaay! Really. I always have my headphones at max volume.

Is it valid to view life as a story? Who is the author?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like a Deus ex machina - I've been waiting for one all year...