
July 2007 Foreclosures

From a Yahoo! News article

"California, Florida, and Ohio were among the states with the highest number of foreclosure filings in July, the firm (RealtyTrac) said."

I have lived in all those three states in the past 5 years!


Machine Gun Family Day?

Here's a news report about a fundraiser event using machine guns and other weapons of war--

The Manchester Republican Committee is inviting party members and their families to a "Machine Gun Shoot" where, for $25, supporters can spend a day trying out automatic weapons, said organizer Jerry Thibodeau.

"It's a fun day. It's a family day," said Thibodeau of the August 5 event. "It's quite exciting."

I had a strong physiological reaction when I read this story, something that resemble an urge to vomit. This is a mockery of real people who die everyday as a result of war.



Divorce is like death. It's not mere broken covenant. It is a death of 'Us'.

As is with death of any person, the death of 'Us' will bring pain, even if 'Us' is not a particularly great person.

But what if this 'Us' is actually a great person, but only marred by 'Me' and 'You'?

What if 'Me' is so self absorbed and neglect 'Us'?

What if 'You' is too different or too strange that 'Us' is denied existence?

Without 'Me' or 'You', there is no 'Us'.

But if 'Me' and 'You' are the only that remain, then the death of 'Us' is really murder.

I pray for the death of divorce.


Babel movie makes Japanese viewers sick

I watched "Babel" last week. In Japan, the latest news is that some Japanese viewers got sick from watching this movie. The culprit seems to be the nightclub scene where there is much flashing light. I can imagine getting sick if the scene is shown on big screen. On my 24 inch TV though, it's harmless.

I do not particularly recommend the movie. It's has an ending that makes you think-- "That's it?". My friend who rented the movie apologized for showing it to us. To me, the mildly interesting part is how it (lightly) explores the brokenness of relationships and love in vastly different cultures and situations. I wish there is less unnecessary nudity and sexuality so that I can enjoy the movie without my wife covering my eyes (and squishing my nose) and skipping scenes.


On Making Plans

I love making plans for the future. I am constantly thinking about what the next step will be. The flip side of the coin is I hate waiting for events to unfold. You can't plan much while waiting. Right now, we are waiting for our Florida house to be sold before we can plan to buy in California. I caught myself planning ahead anyway.

Then I think of life 10 years plan. I'll then be 45 and my kids will be reaching teenage. My question is what to do with my life that I won't regret 10 years from now.

Many possibilities emerge. Some are radical. Some are status quo. I don't trust my judgment. I want to follow what God wants for myself and my family.

I talked to my friend, Jonathan, about it. His perspective was that he couldn't even see one year ahead, let alone ten. Looking back on my life a year ago, I wouldn't be able to predict what God would do in my life today either.

I think that's where I start to think that I will follow God one day at a time. It's hard to do more than that. Love my kids and wife today. Do my job today. Give and serve today.

An exception would be if God is clearly calling us to do something that may take preparation time. I am thinking of some friends who were called into oversea missions. They took years to prepare.

It's hard to follow God one day at a time. But it may be exactly what God wants most of us to do.


Decaf Lent Over

Tea is from heaven. Coffee is from paradise.


Ed Levin Park

We went hiking at Ed Levin Park not too far from our house. We have made trips up there a few times before. But this is the first time I took the camera.

On the way, we passed a couple of hang-gliders. The kids walked up pretty well. Emi walked most of the time, except the steepest part and on the way down, I carried her.

We settled down at the top of the hill and picnic there. All of the sudden, a small SUV came up and seven para-gliders emerged. We got a special treat of seeing para-gliding in action.

More photos here.


Decaf Lent

I love tea and coffee. At work, we have free Starbuck French Roast-- my favorite. I often have two cups of Joe a day. Yumi loves tea. We always drink English tea at home, with a cloud of milk.

I am going to do a decaf Lent. No tea or coffee till Easter.

Matt:17-18 But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Well, since I post this in my blog, I may not get much reward now. But I will still wash my face in the afternoon when my caffeine withdrawal kicks in the most.


Lake Tahoe

We took a short vacation in Lake Tahoe area. We stayed at a cabin on Lake Donner. During the day, we joined the Wong family at Squaw Valley for winter time fun.

We went skiing the first day. It was the first time I, Noah, and Naomi tried skiing. The kids enjoyed themselves in their kids class. I, on the other hand, had a hard time at the slope. I found it hard to stop, which was not a good thing.

While we were there, we bumped into hundreds of Google engineers. Google is famous for being 'the best place to work'. Well, the perk this time for all their employees was a free day at Squaw Valley. Google put their engineers in buses, and perhaps a nearby hotel. They were then free to ski, skate, snowboard, etc. Many of them wore multicolor scarves. It was fun to be among this bunch of people whose work we have come to rely on so much.

The second day we went sledding. The kids enjoyed climbing, sledding, and having snow party. In the evening, we headed up to High Camp again on the cable car. We then did ice skating on a very special rink. It was special because it was so high up. Too bad it was already dark.

Noah skated okay for a beginner, but didn't find it to be interesting. Naomi took a mini lesson from Jonathan and loved skating. She and Zoe lingered on with me and Jonathan at the rink. We are quite amazed by her progress.

More photos here...


Wii Puns

I have been semi obsessed in finding the Nintendo Wii. No luck so far. Here are some spill-over from the obsession. Jonathan W. deserves some credit from spurring this on with me in our down cycles.

To wii or not to wii, that is the question.

Wii are the champions.

Wii all you can wii.

Wii will, wii will, rock you!

Ohh wiimen! Can't wii with them, can't wii without them.

Lead us not into temptations, but deliver us from eee-Wii.

and finally...

Wii puns of mass destruction.


All The Way My Saviour Leads Me

I have been listening, playing and singing this Rich Mullin's song. This past year has been a real adventure for me and my family. I find myself often time disoriented with where I am both geographically and in what I am supposed to do with my life.

The only real comfort I have is that Jesus is with me. He loves me, and my wife and my little children. Not only that, he promised to be with us no matter where we are. He will guide us in his loving ways.

I hope you will find comfort through these words too.

All the way my Savior leads me
What have I to ask beside
Can I doubt His tender mercies,
Who through life has been my Guide

Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well;

All the way my Savior leads me
Cheers each winding path I tread,
Gives me strength for every trial,
Feeds me with the living Bread.

Though my weary steps may falter
And my soul athirst may be,
Gushing from the Rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see;

All the way my Savior leads me
O the fullness of His love!
Perfect rest to me is promised
In my Father’s house above.

When my spirit, clothed immortal,
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages:
Jesus led me all the way;


Steer Pod

Announcing a breakthrough in iPod car accessory. Now you can seamlessly control your iPod in your car with your steering wheel.

You are no doubt familiar with the iPod click wheel. With our newest Spider-House iPod car integration kit, you spin your steering wheel to scroll through iPod menu-- just like the click wheel. And select your favorite album or play list by honking the horn. This promising technology will surely create a lively musical experience for you and your passenger.