
On Making Plans

I love making plans for the future. I am constantly thinking about what the next step will be. The flip side of the coin is I hate waiting for events to unfold. You can't plan much while waiting. Right now, we are waiting for our Florida house to be sold before we can plan to buy in California. I caught myself planning ahead anyway.

Then I think of life 10 years plan. I'll then be 45 and my kids will be reaching teenage. My question is what to do with my life that I won't regret 10 years from now.

Many possibilities emerge. Some are radical. Some are status quo. I don't trust my judgment. I want to follow what God wants for myself and my family.

I talked to my friend, Jonathan, about it. His perspective was that he couldn't even see one year ahead, let alone ten. Looking back on my life a year ago, I wouldn't be able to predict what God would do in my life today either.

I think that's where I start to think that I will follow God one day at a time. It's hard to do more than that. Love my kids and wife today. Do my job today. Give and serve today.

An exception would be if God is clearly calling us to do something that may take preparation time. I am thinking of some friends who were called into oversea missions. They took years to prepare.

It's hard to follow God one day at a time. But it may be exactly what God wants most of us to do.

1 comment:

Sampan said...

I think that's a good attitude, Joe.